Tipping and courier profiles
Uber Eats is an international food delivery platform on which customers order food, restaurants prepare it, and couriers deliver it. Historically, Couriers have felt like they aren’t being appreciated — more specifically, they aren’t being tipped well for their effort. We set out to bridge the gap between who the couriers are and what they do and communicate that to the customers.
Decoupled Checkout
First, we decoupled the checkout screen to tell a better story about courier effort and help users understand what they’re tipping for and we closed the loop by creating a moment of thanks in the post-order flow.
August 2019 - January 2020 • 3 Engineers, 1 PM, 1 Ops Partner, 1 Illustrator, 1 Content Strategist
Courier Profiles
Customers tend to wait for a minimum of 30 mins for their food to be delivered. In that time, they check back regularly for updates. My team and I set out to turn a moment of waiting and frustration into a moment of empathy and learning by creating Courier Profiles. The work highlights the Courier through data, testimonials, and their own words.